Selasa, Juli 07, 2009

Guitar and My Family…..

Guitar had been so long accompanied my little family. I, myself, am not a guitar strummer, but just guitar strumming lover. I loved the guitar strumming sound since I was in high school. At the beginning of our marriage, Herlan often filled my bed times by strumming his old guitar (The Kaebu, his old guitar is still accompany us till now). When Lia was still a baby, she showed high interest in the sound of her dad’s guitar strumming. She insisted to strum the guitar. When she was in secondary school (SMP) and Akbar in primary school, I asked the guitar lecturer to teach them. He was kang Muharam (Mumu), graduated from UPI. At first Akbar refused to learn, but I supported him to go on with many reasons. Still, he learned lazily, but when he start to strum melodiously, he was very eager to meet kang Mumu every Tuesday. Lia herself, I admit, is very talented in playing guitar, (not only guitar but in playing the piano and violin too, though she was a self learner). She needed no much time to learn to play the guitar. When Lia entered the high school she quited the course with kang Mumu. So did Akbar. Salman replaced them as the pupil of kang Mumu (the skinny artist, with long hair and appearance just like George Harisson).

Today, the sound of three classic guitars and two electric guitars, fill our days. Akbar, as Mumu said, is fonder in pop and rock music. He is a fan of Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and of course Yngwie Malmsteen. Lia still in love with classic and slow music. Salman, the junior player, which doesn’t graduated yet from “Mumu Guitar Institution” is practicing the easy pop music.

Herlan only comes home in the weekend, and he seldom strums the guitar again, but that’s not make me lonely, for now I have three guitar strummers, that accompany me and strum the melodious guitar for me.

My favourites? Long time ago I liked when Herlan strummed his guitar playing the song of Bimbo ‘Pelabuhan Hati’, began with the guitar intro,….layar perahu kukembangkan ke samudra cinta, gelombang badai menerpaku tanda kudus cintaku, pelabuhan hati …so on…. I like when Lia plays the song of Jikustik ‘Samudra Mengering’, especially in it’s cauda…..meski surya membenamkan tubuhku di lautan, kutunggu sampai samudra mengering….then the cauda with the guitar…. Akbar, the rock player often filled my ears with the noisy music, I don’t like so much, but sometimes he play the soft music. I like when he played the song of Jason Mraz ‘Bela Luna’, and these days he starts to play the song of Eagles, ‘Hotel California’, (especially the intro) melodiously. What about Salman, the junior player? He does not play melodiously yet, but I appreciate his effort to be a sophisticated guitar player. These days he plays the pop music, and I don’t know whether I like the song or not. He starts with the guitar intro…..and then the song of Kuburan ‘Lupa Syairnya’…..lupa, lupa lupa lupa lupa lagi syairnya…….

Well the Great Lord had granted me a healthy ear and a wonderful family. Guitar and my family are complementary. And thanks alot to kang Mumu……

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