Selasa, Oktober 21, 2008

The Power of Pray

I do believe in the power of pray. When I was about 20-21, I adored a cute, smart boy in my campuss. We were not in the same program, but we often meet in many activities in campuss. For 3 years I declared him as my idol (read :in Indonesian as #gébétan’#). 3 years passed, I began to be tired with this relationship. I adored him so much but he treated me as a junior or just a friend, When I told my sister about this, she advised me to do ‘shalat istikharah’ that was to pray and ask God to lead me to a best choice. I did ‘shalat istikharah’ for a week. A few days after that, my idol treated me nicer, and we become closer. But that only happened a week. The next week he seemed to be lost in the very bottom of the earth. Surprisingly I accidentally met Herlan (my husband to be, was my school friend in junior and high school and also in the same campuss at ITB) in many occasions. We had many good times together. One day I had to buy book at Palasari, and I need a friend to accompany me. One second after that Herlan came over and escorted me to Palasari. Another day in Jakarta I was afraid to return alone to Bandung by the last train (at 7pm), but at the last minutes before the train set up, there he came, surprised to see me at Gambir train station. He had visited his sister and wanted to return to Bandung by the last train too. He accompanied and escorted me to my rent house. In many occasions he seemed to be my savior. At that moment I thought that God didn’t answer my pray for I missed my idol. And still I don’t realize that He was sending me the best choice I asked. When I and Herlan became closer and started to plan our life together, I do realized that God answer my pray. Do you believe in the power of pray?

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

hue...he..he...bu Titi...
Hayo..siapa tuuh....?